Online Shopping

Online Store

I am contemplating of putting my own online store of accessories. I am planning to resell the products of a wholesaler online store. This wholesaler has a wide selection of bracelets, earrings, phone accessories other anik-anik. But among their selections, I love their necklace selection most. The store also offers drop-shipping so I wouldn’t have any problem with shipping. The…

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A Woman’s Accessories Define Her?

Accessories are women’s nice-to-have in life. If one will just notice, most women usually have at least one accessory in their body. The simplest women usually have an earring and/or a wrist watch the least. The more fashionista a woman is, the more complimented the accessories she wears. Agree? A mild fashionista is contented to have a necklace and a…

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Diamonds are elegant and attractive but very expensive. I’ve never seen a real one. But even in images, I can’t help myself to admire their brilliance. As someone like me who is not very familiar with stones and jewels, I wouldn’t be able to differentiate Man Made Diamonds and Gemesis Diamonds from Natural Diamonds. I think other girls wouldn’t also…

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