
The $10 Giveaway Has Just Ended And The Winner Is…

MS. LEXI FERNANDO! Can we give her a round of applause? (Clap! Clap! Clap!) Here is the result of the draw I have already contacted her via email for her PayPal account and just waiting for her response. The giveaway has gathered 75 entries ( yeah a bit small for 100+ fb likers but probably most of the fb likers…

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Contests, Sciezka

U.T.O.T.M.O.P.I.N.K First Give-A-Way Contest

I came across this give-a-way contest via Yami’s site, Mom Writes For A Cause. And the tasks need to accomplish are not that complicated so I decided to join. Mrs. Kolca will be giving away the following the prizes for the three blessed winners. ♥First Prize♥ -Pink Camisole by AVON (worn by Reese Witherspoon in the picture) -AVON Lovely in…

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