
Expensive Metro Land

Land in the metro is becoming more and more expensive because of the continuous development. The big part of the land area is occupied by tall buildings. When I was still little, most buildings I saw within the metropolis were for commercial purposes like malls and offices. It was very seldom I saw that buildings which were used for residence.…

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If you will visit Panglao, you will notice that there some houses have chimney. You may wonder what is the purpose of the chimney since Philippines has no winter season and it does not snow here so even a  wall fireplace is not necessary. Let me answer your curiosity. The chimneys are for kitchen exhaust. Most household used wood for cooking…

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Incomprehensible Vice

I wonder what is in cigar which makes it appealing to many people. There are still many people, even Filipinos, who are still patronizing tobacco products despite the government campaign that these are bad for the health. What are more incomprehensible for me are those who could not buy a decent meal for himself and for his family yet burn…

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