Day To Day Stories

Business Sector Is Slowly Returning To Normalcy After Typhoon Yolanda

  • Sumo

After the Typhoon Yolanda devastated the Eastern and Central Visayas, many establishments here in Bohol were forced to shutdown due to power outage. The whole province had days of complete no power supply and weeks of scheduled power distribution. It was the business sector who suffered much of the power problem. Only businesses which have power generators were able to continue their operation. But small businesses which were not able to secure power generators had to close their businesses temporarily.

Now that everything is slowly going back to normal and the Cialis supply of the electricity is getting more stable, the businesses have started picking up again. Some need to promote their businesses again to inform their clients and customers that they have re-opened. Some are scouting for cheap flyer printing to make their promotions fast and effectively.

We still experience power outages but do not last for a day. Usually the electricity returns after two hours. This is already something to thank God for. I am praying that the provinces affected by Yolanda will recover from the devastation fast, by God’s grace.

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