Potty Training, Sciezka

Potty Training Update #2

Ska’s potty training is still on going but with a big improvement. She no longer use diaper during day time for weeks now (big savings for me :)), except when we go out. There are still accidents but not as often as before. Before she would only say wee wee after she’d pee on the floor but now there are…

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Baby Matters, Potty Training

Potty Training Update # 1

I am so happy with my daughter. This is the first time that we had a successful potty training session. This is the first time she did not pee on the floor and on her undies. We were able to make to the comfort room. Though, she didn’t still like to sit on her potty nor simply sit, she was…

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Baby Matters, Potty Training

Potty Training

My daughter just turned 22 months last Sunday. At her age, I think she should start learning how to use her potty. I will be doing some research on what is the easiest but effective way to train her. Not only because of the expense I incurred everytime I buy a new pack of diaper but most importantly, disposable diapers…

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