Blogging, Personal

Much Awaited Meme – Mommy Momments

  • Sumo

Friday is my most awaited day for blogging. Because I am excited to see other moms’ entries for Mommy Momments. Through this meme, I get to know other moms all over the Philippines, and even outside the Philippines. I may not be able see them face to face. But through their blogs, I get to know their opinions, views in life, style of living, beliefs, and many other things that I can create an image of them in my mind. Also, through this meme, I get to know other Christian moms in other places and learn some insights from their posts. And for me, this kind of opportunity is God’s blessing to me.

For moms who visit my site and share their comments with me, accept my deepest thanks. I really appreciated your effort and time to visit my link. And thank you for being a channel of blessing to me.

4 thoughts on “Much Awaited Meme – Mommy Momments

  1. I am new on your site and I find it very inspiring and interesting. You are a blessing to all work-at-home moms. God bless.

  2. i am so touched by this post… im glad that mommy moments have served its purpose!

    i would like to thank you for making mommy moments a success too.. its because of moms like you who take time to share with others your journey that is why other moms can be encouraged too…

  3. You know what it's thru MM that I gain some friends who are also a mom like me. You included, of course. 🙂

  4. yah you are right mommy;) Mommy moments is cool! see you here;)i like your blog.. i'll add you up! godbless!

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