Last week was a very busy week for us here in the church. We had a three-day Revival Meeting, from March 8 to 10. We were privileged to have Dr. Ed Laurena of Christian Bible Baptist Church as our main speaker. The Revival Meeting was hosted by two churches here in Panglao, one was our church and the other one was the church in Bolod Panglao under the leadership of Pastor Rodelito Blanco.
Just like any other event, preparation is a must. The week before the event, we were busy doing a general cleaning. It was a blessing that the other families who live inside the church’s compound helped out.  There were assigned in scrubbing the wall and the steps in front of the church. Other cleaned the window.  I helped in pulling the grasses around. Since it has been raining almost everyday here in Panglao, the weeds always grew very fast. At first, it was okay. But as I continued, I noticed that my thumb and index finger were already painful. But zero turn mowers were not also appropriate because the weeds needed to be pulled and not just trimmed.
Anyways, the preaching I heard were more than enough compensation for the labor I did for the preparations. I was really blessed with the strong messages I heard from delivered by different pastors especially the messages delivered by Bro. Mheljun Laurena and Pastor Laurena because they preached in Filipino. I understood every word they uttered. The messages were indeed refreshing. I also find it a great privilege to serve the men of God who attended the Revival Meeting.
This is something that we need these days, we need to be reminded of God’s words and His promises, to be refreshed and move forward while waiting for His coming…