Christian Life, Church

Talent In Music Is Important In The Ministry

In the ministry, I realized that skills and talents in music are important. This is more obvious if the church is a start-up. There must be someone who can at least play a guitar or an organ and a man who can lead the congregational singing. It is also an added help if there is someone who can teach a…

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Opposite Poles

Hubby and I are in opposite poles when it comes to music. He is indeed my better-half in this area. He knows to play several instruments while I don’t know any. He can sing well while I’m always out of tune. But thank God, our eldest didn’t inherit my tone deafness. And because hubby can play musical instrument a bit…

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Arts And Music Exposure

My daughter who is only four years old can read stories and can read her PACES without or with little corrections. She can now blend sounds to pronounce the words properly. Her reading skill is a big help for her to learn new songs. We will just hand her a copy of the song and let her read it several…

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Good Hearing

If there is one thing that I should be happy and thankful that my daughter didn’t inherit from me, it is my singing ability. I am deaf tone. I could not hear and copy tones properly. But the irony of it, I love singing. One of God’s blessings to my daughter is her hearing. She can hear tones properly and…

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