
First Day @ McDonald’s Kiddie Crew Workshop

This morning was Sciezka’s official first day as a Kiddie Crew at McDonald’s BQ Tagbilaran branch.  Based on her stories, she had fun but a little bit worried about the names of her batchmates. According to her, they need to memorize at least ten names of her batchmates. She mentioned some names but didn’t reach ten.  She got the house…

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Birthdays, Parenting, Uncategorized

Turned Two

Disclosure: This is a very late post!!! This little gal who loves to make funny faces just turned two last February 27. We didn’t have the usual kids’ party celebration. DH and I agreed (seconded by her Ate Jyma) that instead of cooking and preparing for a kids’ party,  we would just go out and swim somewhere. Who wouldn’t embrace…

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Family Matters

Tan lines

Summer is over. Most people enjoyed it so much that traces of summer were left in the color of their skin, tan. My daughter Sciezka is one of them. She had a blast during her birthday treat at Badjang Spring not minding what would happen to her skin. She really enjoyed the water and she was unstoppable. And sun block…

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Why My Skin Is Not Brown

My daughter is a very inquisitive girl. She never runs out of questions. One time she asked me how God created the human beings. So I told her that God created the first man by getting a mud, formed it in His image then breathe on it. Then the formed-mud became the first living man. But she didn’t stop there…

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First Quiz Result

The result of my daughter’s first written exam was released this morning. I am a little bit disappointed because she only got 15 out of 16! You think I’m kidding? Of course, yes! I’m just kidding, LOL! Well, I am happy with her score. Her mistake was only probably due to confusion. She connected the two black lines instead of…

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