Baby Matters

16 months And Counting

  • Sumo

That is how long I’ve been breastfeeding my Daughter E 🙂 I am so thankful that God granted my prayer to delay a little the coming out of her teeth so I can breastfeed longer. There were several times already that Daughter E bit my nipple and honestly I yelled of pain. These were the time that I already wanted to stop breastfeeding.  But once the pain was gone, my intention to stop has gone too.


Daughter E is pass 16 months. She shouts say “dede” whenever she wants milk. She pulls up my shirt if I fail to give her desire immediately. At night, even if it is dark, she can find what she wants. And I noticed that she feeds longer at night than day time.

I find my breastfeeding journey with Daughter E more enjoyable. Sometimes I teased her by not giving her my breast. I enjoyed her effort to reach want she wants. I feel like a hero whenever she wants to feed. She won’t not come to anyone except me.

I have no definite plan yet on when to start to wean her. But I am sure that it has to end sometime. So I might as well enjoy every moment of it.

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