Home-making, Housekeeping, Uncategorized

Safe Drinking Water

The water we drink is important to our body. It is used to distribute nutrients and oxygen to the different parts of our body. It is also used to eliminate toxins and wastes from our body. For this reason, it is a must that we ensure that the water we drink is safe and uncontaminated and not an added waste…

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Food Blog

Cooking is not my passion although most of the time, I am still the one who cook at home. I just cook because I need to. Hubby volunteers to cook sometimes especially if he knows that I am beating some deadlines. Since we moved here in Panglao, I seldom have the chance to cook the usual dishes I prepare in…

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Home-making, Parenting

Hubby’s Absence

My husband is expected to return tomorrow from Cebu. He’s been there since Monday to attend the Global Fellowship 2011 currently held in Katipunan Bible Baptist Church. He texted me last night to tell me that the messages he heard really touched him. I was happy for him. I really wanted to go with him but children were not allowed in…

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TV Table Was Provided

If I am not mistaken, I’ve already mentioned that when we relocated here in BOHOL, we brought with us almost all of our belongings and appliances from washing machine, refrigerator, computer, television to the smallest toy of my daughter. The only  few things we disposed were those that were very heavy like the custom-built cabinet cum TV table and our…

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In Few Hours

from now we will vacate the place where we stayed for almost four years. My husband and I (more of my husband, LOL) were almost done packing. We have contacted a trucking service which will transport our belongings from our current place to Bulacan. The cheapest we got from Q.C to Bulacan was Php 2,500. They gave us that price…

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