When it comes to the latest update about mobile phones especially when it comes to Smart phones, hubby is more acquainted than me. There was even a time that he spent so much reading a forum about pocket pc and trying to apply what he read on his phone. When he learned that my boss is selling his old pocket pc, he even convinced me to buy. Good thing, my boss agreed to give to me on staggered payment.
But like any other fad, hubby’s interests eventually faded. When a free phone came in for a new postpaid subscription, he boxed the pocket pc. He only brought it out when I had no mobile phone to use. Since I have no penchant for Smart phones, I just leave the phone as is. I didn’t upgrade its software nor installed any application. I only use it for text and call anyway.
I thought he will keep the pocket pc when I had my new phone. But it seems that his interest ignited again. He is trying to revive his pocket pc phone. But I think he already come to realization that we don’t need high end phones because only the basic functions are relevant to us – call & text plus alarm :D. I discovered it when I showed him the images of the latest from Palm, the palm pre. He seemed not interested. He even told me that we don’t need it because we don’t use the phone to do transactions online like sending email and e-banking. We have pc and laptop anyway.
I’m glad to know that hubby is getting to his senses when it comes to phones 😀