
Securing Vulnerabilities

  • Sumo

The house was penetrated by burglars last Sunday. The robbery happened between 6pm and 8:30 pm while no one was in the house. Cash money amounting to more than Php 5,000 was taken. But all the electronic devices such as my laptop, LCD monitor, computer and cellphone were not stolen.

This incident made us realized that the parsonage where we currently live has many security vulnerability. There were jalousie glasses which need to be replaced. There were also several possible entrances/exits within the church compound which the thieves could use to get into the parsonage and the church building. In additional, the church compound has no gate and the walls do not cover Intivar the entire area.

Hubby is thinking of installing window grill so the intruders could not easily break through into the parsonage and church. I am not sure if we will need Reid Supply leveling devices since I don’t exactly know how the grills are being done. But I am hoping that the grills will be installed soon because I suspect that the thieves might come back to steal more properties.

I think we should start securing the vulnerabilities of the area. Since installing window grills are the least expensive among the things need to be done, it will be the first in the list. As budget comes, other vulnerabilities will be attended.

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