
Update: Operation Back To School Project 2012

  • Sumo

The first part of my “Operation Back To School Project” which is giving out of school supplies is done. I was able to fill-in 20 bags, 17 of which are now being used by 17 elementary students here in Panglao and the remaining three are waiting to be claimed.

For me, the first part of the project was a success! Friends from different part of the world helped me in this project but only two from the blogosphere :(( (sadness). Anyway, Lord willing, I’ll have the same project next year. Probably, by that time other mommy bloggers will extend their hand to this project.

I am so blessed because God used me as a bridge between the giver and the receiver. And I thank and praise God because He used people to make this project a success beyond my expectation. And for me, the best result of this project is that souls came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior during the distribution of the school supplies. Isn’t that great? Those who participated in the fund-raising became a part of the parents’ salvation. Your precious hard-earned money was not wasted.

The school supplies which were distributed
These are some of the kids in their houses. Because my time is so limited, I was not able to take the photos of the other kids in their houses.
The kids with their parents during the distribution of the school supplies

To those who helped me with this endeavor, my sincerest and deepest thanks! I hope and pray that you will not get tired of helping other people. May the Lord repay your kindness and generosity.

Lord willing, this will not be my first and last Operation Back To School Project. I hope that this is just a start. So if you missed the opportunity to help this year, you can do it next year.

This project has still a second part. So I’m not yet closing this project. Another post will be made once the second part – which is the Jollibee treat – has been accomplished.

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