It was still last March 3 since I received my last comment. But since then, I’ve posted several entries already. I’m already wondering why I don’t receive a single comment even if I joined memes. My Feedjit’s entries say that I always have visitors within the day and yet I have not received any comment. I find it weird and very unsual.
It was only today that entered into my mind that there must be a problem somewhere. I decided to leave a comment to check any problem. And presto, I immediately discovered the culprit! It was the wp-reCAPTCHA which prohibited the comments to get through.
When I tried to leave a comment as an ordinary user and entered the CAPTCHA, there was no error displayed but the comment was not submitted. I tried again thinking that I just entered the CAPTCHA incorrectly. But this time I double-checked the text I entered to make sure that it was correct. But still the comment didn’t get through. I deactivated the plug-in and tried again. This time the comment was submitted to my dashboard.
I don’t know when the reCAPTCHA started to fail but I should have smelled earlier that there is something wrong so I could have checked it earlier too. I probably missed some important notes 🙁 Anyway, the reCAPTCHA will be deactivated for good to speed up the process of leaving a comment. I’ll just moderate all the comments to ensure that no spam will take any space on my comments’ list.
I still need to know about this since mine has many spams, hope to learn more
hello there, I also need to learn this.