Back to school time for my eldest daughter, Jyma Sciezka. The classes officially started last Monday but it was just an orientation day for both parents and students. She has started reporting to school last Tuesday and continued working on the PACEs she left last March. The additional set of PACEs for Level 1 is still coming this Saturday. By the way, PACEs stands for Packets of Accelerated Christian Education. This is the series of workbooks each ACE student needs to finish in order to be promoted to the next level.
Daughter’s school schedule is from 7:45 am to 4:15 in the afternoon. She has to be awake by 6:00 am. She must leave the house by 7:30. Unlike last school year that the school service fetched her, her dad (or our helper if husband is not available) drives her to school and picks her up in the afternoon. Since she needs to have lunch in school, our helper brings her lunch to school at 11:30 and waits until the class resumes at 1 pm. This is to makes sure that she does not play under the sun during the lunch break.
Daughter’s schedule, for me, is quite long considering that she is only five years old. I hope she can cope up with this long school hour. Â She is used to afternoon naps so I encourage her to take a nap after she finishes her meal during the lunch break. But since there are other kids around, I doubt if she would not use the time to play with them. Â Since she could not sleep in the afternoon, I adjusted her bedtime schedule earlier. Instead of 9 pm, she is now in bed by 8 pm, the latest. She must be asleep by 8:30 which is not hard to do for the last days because by that time she was too sleepy by that time.
I also make sure that she takes her vitamins, GROWEE and CEELINE PLUS, after breakfast. This is to boost her immune system and help her body’s resistance to stress and common diseases.
I am praying that my daughter will be able to complete this school year with flying colors again, by God’s grace.
How about your kids? Â What are their adjustments this school year?
her smile is viral! love love, so cute!