All About Work

ID Business

  • Sumo

There are few things which I need to attend to after I give birth. One of them is to finalize my plan to start a small ID business. I have started canvassing for the equipments which I need to operate this business. I have also started asking general questions about the ins and outs of this business from the supplier but I still have some more before I confirm my acquisition.

This business does not require so much capital even if I buy the equipments instead of leasing them. Anyway, I haven’t checked yet if there are suppliers who provide equipment through leasing. But since only few thousands of investment will be needed to allow me to start operating this kind of business and that includes the raw materials in making the IDs, there is no need to opt for equipment lease.

Hubby and I are praying for this plan because the success of this plan does not on us but on the blessing of the Lord. If this plan is God’s will, then no doubt that it will be a success. But if it is not, then this plan is doomed to fail. And that few thousands will be put to waste.

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