Before, when I heard about about reusable diaper, what comes into my mind is the white rectangular piece of cloth folded and fastened using diaper clip or pin. That idea is now changed. Recently, while I was doing my shopping for new pajamas for my  li’l girl in one of the local department store here in Bohol,  a salesclerk approached me and introduced to me the new generation reusable cloth diaper  which looked very similar to  disposable diapers. I got interested and I really wanted to buy one but the price, which was almost Php 600 each, was too expensive for me that made my interest to buy faltered. I would have immediately bought one if the price wouldn’t wound my pocket that much. I went home that day computing my monthly expense on disposable diapers and the cost which I would likely spend on on reusable cloth diapers.  After doing a mental computation, I was a little convinced that reusable cloth diapers would be more cost-effective in the long run and with its current design, changing wouldn’t be that inconvenient. But I still had this silent wish to find a little lower-priced reusable cloth diaper.
I asked Mr. Google for cheaper reusable cloth diaper the next day. Alas and behold, there were cheaper reusable cloth diapers available on online. Since our household income was already budgeted for that month, I have to wait to get my earnings from my blogging before I was able to purchase a set, 1 reusable cloth diaper and and a set of 3 inserts. When I received my money, I immediately purchased a set from Caleb’s Closet Ecostore. It was a smooth transaction. I was able to receive my purchased items three days after.
This is what I bought, one-size pocket Baby Leaf Cloth Diaper and 1 set of Next9 Insert for Php 350 and Php 300 respectively. Shipping was free because the total amount was more than Php 400 and the shipping fee was not more than Php 100.
After washing them, I tried it on my daughter and I very was satisfied with its absorption quality. I know my daughter when she pees. She produced a noticeable sound. So whenever I heard her “sound” I checked the diaper if it was wet but was still dry. I even thought that she didn’t pee. But when I checked the insert it proved that she actually urinated because the insert was wet.
Daughter had a bowel movement while on the reusable cloth diaper and cleaning up was not as easy as with the disposable diaper. This made me decide to buy a liner. But again, I still have to wait for my next pay check in order to buy the liner and another set of cloth diaper. I’ll probably try another brand to have a comparison 🙂
With the initial result of my try-out, I am convinced that I should switch to reusable cloth diapers. But I haven’t decided yet if I will completely forget using disposable diapers.
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even if I’m not a mom yet, this isreally an informative post. I will let my tita read this.. 🙂
Hi, Marie here from Baguio city getting acquainted with the BC Bloggers community. So, they have diapers like that now? My 2 girls are in their teens and I have a 7-year old boy, and they all used disposable diapers. 16 years ago, the number 1 brand was kimbies (they come in little belts, there was no velcro).Do stores still sell that?
Wishing to connect with you!
I can recommend this to my friend who just recently gave birth. This is really helpful for those who have kids out there.
I have never given this much attention, but now that you have written about it. I might give it a try.
i use cloth diapers 24/7 if we’re at home but if we do leave home to go somewhere, i use sposies. i guess im not yet that confident in using cloth nappies outside because i couldnt imagine what id do if my toddler poops.
anyway, super tipid sya just a word of caution….you might get addicted to the cute designs and colors. you should try it. i did! 🙂
Reusable cloth diaper is a good one, specially when you are just at home with your baby. Great for baby’s skin plus its much more cost effective.
I tried using disposable diapers for my eldest. Now my youngest is 2 almost ready to be potty trained, thought I might try it as well! Thanks for sharing
These cloth diapers are actually easier to use when you’re done potty training. There’s no poop to clean anymore and you get to save on disposables.
It’s always the hardest dealing with the poo but then, this is more environment friendly as well as a good cost saving measure.
Hi! I have something for you. Please check this out, because I really think you’re deserving!
I have used cloth diapers for my babies when they were little (during the day only) but used it only to complement the use of disposable diapers. It is kinda difficult to use one round the clock. Thank God, I don’t have kids who are using diapers anymore.
By the way, if you have time, please join my blog’s giveaway. Thanks.
Thank you for sharing sis, kahit ala pa akong baby. maganda ito para tipid.
When I was a baby, my mom said she had to use “lampin” (cloth diaper). She said that mommies are lucky these days because there are disposable diapers already. With eco-consciousness, reusable diapers are the “compromise”. 😀
I’ve been thinking of using that kind of diaper. Though, my baby’s already a year old. Pwede pa kaya?
cute model, I haven’t tried using reusable diaper. I shall share about this to my younger sister
Ka cute naman ng model ng reusable cloth diapers. 🙂
Pero kaka curious nga yan noh kasi before never akong nakagamit nyan sa mga anak ko. hehe.
That’s nice. I’m going to inform my expecting sister. I think this is more comfortable for the baby.
im curious about this cloth diaper, i might try this too now that i know ur feedback is postve.. as for the disposable diaper, maybe you could use them during long travel 🙂
When I first saw the title I was like “is it safe? wouldn’t be itchy for babies” but as I go through the entire post, I think it’s really practical to use this type of diaper for moms out there
The design is sooo cute! My kids are preschoolers now though so we’ve said goodbye to diapers already. We’re now using ultra absorbent bamboo microfiber liners from ColorKiddos during bedtime.
Glad my kiddos are past the diaper stage but I think those reusable cloth diapers are more skin friendly to babies especially to those who have sensitive skin….I experienced that with my sons that’s why I always stock drapolene then, haha!
Tried & tested! 😉 It’s cheaper, more practical and more environment friendly! Plus, our pedia recommends it, it lessens the occurrence of diaper rash!
this good for the environment to the babies.. hehe 🙂
I think, this is the right time to use reusable items as we need to lessen pollutants. By the way, thanks for the review, I’ve learned something about this cloth.
I never tried reusable diapers. I think disposable diapers is more convenient for us. 🙂
That’s certainly an improvement from the old lampin but the price will put off many Moms. It’s too expensive and you’ll need more than one. I hope when it catches on, it will become cheaper.
I haven’t tried reusable diapers with any of my kids. Hope it works out for you.
Imagine how many plastics you kept from going to the dumpsites just by using that one reusable diaper. Good job! 🙂 I have nothing against using disposable diapers, I know it’s very convenient and washing and changing is made very easy. But every once in a while, using cloth diapers would be good for the baby’s skin and for the environment too. Reduce and reuse. 🙂
I used reusable diapers for my younger boy. It really helped to save money from buying the disposable diapers, but the cleaning was the tiring part (for me!)
Hey hey…
I have something for you. Versatile Bloggers Award…. Head on over here 🙂
I am inlove with cloth diapers too. We are almost through with it because my son just use it at night. Because I know this cloth diaper has very good advantages, I also recommend using it to my mommy friends and I also sell them in case you want another set 🙂
With everyone trying to save the environment, I think this product will help lessen the disposable diapers around. Also, perhaps in time, they will evolve with a much better product 🙂
I use cloth diaper for my baby too. You should try Bamboo Dappy though it’s a little more expensive than the ones you have but it’s so sulit. I have a post about it too on the up coming days 🙂
My son uses cloth diaper when he was 1yo and 4mos. We just purchase 4 set with extra inserts. Now he is already 2yo and 3mos and we are still using it even at night time. Using this really saves us from buying disposable ones. At first, it looks like expensive but taking into consideration the amount of disposable you are buying per week will make you think twice. hehehe
Furthermore, it helps save the environment. Actually, Mommy is selling cloth diapers too.
-daddy allan (visit from BCB)
reusable diaper is more cheap and a practical buy than disposable ones
A friend of mine is using reusable diapers too and it’s really worth it. Much cheaper. If only there’s one here in UAE 🙁 Visiting from CommEx Sept11.
i am a cloth diaper convert for 3months already!!! aliw noh? i didnt expect it would be that absorbent when it comes to weewee… but yeah, the poop’s a different story… but you know what i think my baby loves the cloth diaper more than the disposables… kasi i dont see him cringe and try to remove it unlike when he has his disposables on… i still keep disposables for emergency purposes though…
my sister used the reusable diaper for her tot. it was cost effective. but the poop was really a challenge. we usually leave it in a pail with water for sometime before washing it.