My daughter just turned 2 years and five month last October 29.  It just entered into my mind to put into writing her accomplishments  ( probably out of nothing to write :D). I do not consider my daughter a gifted child or anything extra ordinary. I just allow her to learn things on her own pace.  No hurry. I just let her enjoy her childhood because she cannot return on that stage anymore.
At 29 months here are the things that she already knows and do
- She can sing her ABC correctly and completely.
- She can count 1 to 10 in English and Spanish ( courtesy of Dora), sometimes she can extend up to 20.
- She can identify basic colors like Red, Orange, Green, Black, White, Brown, Red and of course Pink, her favorite color. She usually interchange Yellow and Blue.
- She can identify the parts of her body. Â She can identify the basic part of the body when she was still one year old. We just add more parts from time to time.
- She can sing (but with not so clear words) some kids songs like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, The B-I-B-L-E, This Little Light of Mine, God is Good to Me and God is so Good. She can also sing “Nagpupuri”, Filipino version of How Great Thou Art, which marks the end of our worship service in the church.
- She can identify different animals, Â those that are in her poster and animals that she often see.
- She can can also identify basic fruits like banana, apple, grape, orange, mango, strawberry, cherry, Â watermelon, and pine apple.
- She knows when to say Amen and she can pray for her milk and food when she is being  lead.  She also kneels down with us when we pray on our evening devotion but not for long (impatient eh)
- She knows and practice saying polite words like thank you, sorry, excuse me, please and she  answers with po.
- She can already informed us when she need to pee or defecate. This is the one that really benefits me allot hahaha….
These are the things that we still need to work out.
- To train her drink her milk on glass instead on bottle
- Stop her from thumb sucking
- Her endurance to walk for longer distance. Â My daughter is too lazy to walk! Whenever we go out for a walk, she would only walk for short distance. She always wants to be carried…
And in all these things, I cease not to thank my God for blessing me a daughter who does not stop amazing us with her little things.  I do not also stop praying for wisdom that I may able to raise and mold my daughter to be the woman that  God wants her to be.
hello! im glad to hear that she is doing so well.. very bright kid! 😀
Nakakatuwa si Ska for her age marunong na to count and read her abcs. invest on children’s books you’ll never regret it. 🙂 Shhh, may ishishare ako ‘yung dalagita ko thumb sucker din (until now) oops. 😀