
Sleeping Time

  • Sumo

Since my daughter started going to school, her sleeping habit changed. Before, she usually wakes up at eight in the morning the earliest, take an afternoon nap for three to four hours, then sleeps in the night at eleven the earliest. She’s a night little person. Sometimes, she’s still awake at 1 AM doing her works. Because of her sleeping habit, I am afraid that she’ll have eye bags at a very young age and an eye cream might be needed earlier.

Her schooling made a difference on her sleeping schedule. Now, she is usually up before 6:30 A.M.  She’ll be home from school by around 11 AM and  started her nap at around 11:30, right after consuming a bottle of milk. By 3 P.M she’s already awake from her nap and by 8 PM, she is already sleepy. She is snoring by the time the clock ticks 9. In results, I have more time to work,  that is,  if I didn’t fall asleep with her 😀

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